Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 12/2/09

Amended and Approved on 12/16/09


Planning Board Attendees

Paul Lauenstein, Chair 

Susan Price, Vice Chair

Eli Hauser

Amanda Sloan

David Milowe, Clerk  

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer


Julie Watstein - 28 Pond Street

Attorney Bob Shelmerdine

Barbara Nadler - Library



Chair Report

·         The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by Chair Paul Lauenstein.

·         The second invoice for Land Strategies as pertains to the Post Office Square review, in the amount of $9, 559.80, was approved for payment by the Board for $7,000.00. This partial payment was made because the work has not yet been completed to satisfaction. Ms. Price moved to pay $7,000.00 of this invoice and Ms. Sloan second the motion. The Board voted 4-1-0 in favor. (Mr. Milowe voted no) The invoice will be paid from the Kendall funds.

·         A discussion ensued between the Board and Attorney Shelmerdine regarding an open invoice for $1,920 for Tom Houston. Mr. Shelmerdine assured the Board that the monies have been allocated for payment to Mr. Houston.


Sign Review

Mr. O’Cain presented a sign review for Prime Pilates located at 28 Pond Street. Julie Watstein, owner of this business was present.  The request includes both a wall sign as well as a directory sign. After reviewing the paperwork, Mr. O’Cain stated that the sign complies with the allowed size and color. Ms. Price moved to approve the sign application for Prime Pilates at 28 Pond Street in historic colors. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0-0 in favor of this motion.


Bella Estates

Mr. O’Cain stated that the requirement for the decision as pertains to Bella Estates has been met. He is just waiting for Mr. Shelmerdine to provide the mylars of the property. Mr. Shelmerdine stated that 3 homes are currently under agreement. The existing home on the property will be occupied as well. With reference to the landscaping plans, Mr. Shelmerdine said he has agreements from 6 residents on Huntington Avenue out of the 9 families on the street. The average cost for each of the homes landscaping work is between $2,000 to 3,000. The detention basin is completed and surrounded by a black chain link fence. It was noted that the rain garden boxes are located in the cul- de-sac. Mr. Lauenstein stressed that they must be located upgradient from storm drains so they catch the contaminants.


Sharon Commons

Mr. Shelmerdine reported that Target and an 85,000 square foot BJ’S is also proposed for the mall. These stores want to open in March, 2011.




Chair Lauenstein began the discussion by stating that Barbara Nadler, Head of the Sharon Public Library had provided him with a newsletter which described the library’s position within the Town. In shapeing a community, the library should be central to that goal. The train station is within walking distance of the Library and the nearby Wilber School is currently being revitalized. He stated that we should push forward to help make something significant happened for the Library.


Ms. Nadler stated that additional space is needed as the facility is currently only 10,000 square feet. Mr. Lauenstein asked what the first step would be to get a new library and Ms. Sloan responded that a great library is the mark of an educated, great Town. She said that the Planning Board's role should be to promulgate plans.


Ms. Nadler stated that she surveyed various Towns and the number of items taken out each year. In Sharon, an average of 13.5 items was taken out in 2008, making Sharon a well-used facility.


Mr. Hauser stated that the Library Board of Trustees needs to take the lead on its own to champion the project or say it needs help. The Board has already met with the Economic Development Committee. The Library needs to go public with their needs. Ms. Sloan commented that there are two issues: a) need Town consensus and b) need a better library, what is the design and what space will be taken up.  

Ms. Nadler said that the Library is the “living room” of the Town. Ms. Sloan said that the Planning Board should be proactive in their vision for the Town. Mr. Hauser said if federal and state monies are used, then the project has to be built to satisfy their specifications.


Mr. O’Cain said that some public questionnaires had been sent out as part of the Open Space and Recreation Plan and that he thought that the format of that questionnaire might be useful for the library to take a look at. Mr. O’Cain recalled that some people had written in library construction as a goal for the Town as part of the Open Space and Recreation Plan. He suggested Ms. Nadler speak with other towns to determine how they successfully created new libraries. Mr. O’Cain stated he would look into what is required from the state to build a library.


Meeting Minutes

Ms. Price moved to approve the meeting minutes of 10/28/09 as amended. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-1 in favor. (Mr. Milowe abstained)



Ms. Price moved to adjourn the Planning Board meeting at 10:00 PM. Ms. Price seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.